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Local Conversation Leaders Course
Welcome to the Local Conversation Leadership Course
Welcome message from Chuck Marohn (3:45)
Course Overview
What to expect in this course (5:36)
Local Conversations: An Introduction
What is a Local Conversation? (4:35)
What does a Local Conversation look like? (6:20)
What is the Local Conversation process? | Part 1:Start-Up Phase (7:51)
What is the Local Conversation process? | Part 2: From Learning to Gather to Transforming Your Community (9:24)
How does Strong Towns support Local Conversations? (5:21)
"A Group of People"
Starting as an individual (6:02)
Understanding how change happens (11:47)
Expanding your team (6:01)
Starting a conversation about Strong Towns (9:18)
Organizing a kickoff meeting with your core group (6:45)
"Who Meet to Talk about the Strong Towns Approach"
Telling people about your group (7:17)
What to do in your first meetings (5:28)
Developing a leadership team (4:19)
Making soft connections in your community (9:18)
The Strong Towns 4-Step Process (7:11)
"And Put It Into Action"
Do something (8:39)
Taking inspiration from what other Local Conversations have done (9:19)
How to communicate with others in your town or city (11:20)
Celebrating your wins (6:50)
Congratulations...and next steps (1:59)
Stage 1 Training: Working Across Differences
Stage 1 Training: Working Across Differences (54:02)
Stage 2 Training: The Strong Towns Approach to Messaging
Stage 2 Training: The Strong Towns Approach to Messaging (56:20)
Stage 3 Training: The Strong Towns 4-Step Process
Stage 3 Training: The Strong Towns 4-Step Process for Public Investment (61:02)
Bonus Content: What Is the Strong Towns Approach?
What is the Strong Towns approach? (3:07)
Strong Towns: Its history, mission, and vision (7:24)
6 core Strong Towns principles (5:29)
5 priority Strong Towns campaigns (4:18)
Bonus Content: FAQs
What is the history of the Local Conversations program -- and what can we learn from it? (10:48)
Should my Local Conversation be a local group or a regional group? (2:00)
How can we make our Local Conversation meetings both fun and productive? (5:54)
What is the right online platform for my group? (7:07)
How do we influence public officials? (6:52)
Important Documents
Local Conversation Process Chart
Accomplishments: Start-Up Phase, Stages 1-3
Local Conversation Leader's Agreement
Suggested Activities: Learning Activities, Movement Building Activities, and Organizing Activities, Group Focus Areas
Combined: Important Documents in One Document
2025 Local Conversations Calendar
Stage Completion Forms
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What to do in your first meetings
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