Picture that dangerous stroad in your neighborhood: the one that cars constantly speed down, where it feels like you’re taking your life in your hands just to cross to the other side. Now picture that stroad transformed into a peaceful street where bikes, cars, and people walking can all get where they need to go, safely and easily.

It might feel like a dream right now, but this sort of transformation is possible and Strong Towns President Charles Marohn and Barkha Patel, the Director of Jersey City’s Department of Infrastructure, will show you how. First, they’ll walk you through the steps to determine whether your stroad is a good candidate for a conversion, then help you think through whether it makes sense to turn the stroad into a safe neighborhood street or a smooth road connecting different parts of town. Finally, they’ll share the steps you can take to encourage your local government to take action now to make that stroad safer and better for all users.

The course is worth 1 continuing education credit through the AICP.

Portrait of Charles Marohn
Charles Marohn

Portrait of Barkha Patel
Barkha Patel

Hop aboard this 2023 Local-Motive session!

“Barkha Patel was excellent!”

“Great presentation!”

“Excellent! Barkha Patel and Chuck are great with getting their info and messages across.”

“Absolutely terrific advice and very uplifting to see a forward thinking city making great progress on safe and productive streets.”

This session is part of our 2023 Local-Motive Tour, which features 10 action-oriented, short-form classes on subjects ranging from strengthening local businesses to creating better public engagement processes.

Check out the Round-Trip Ticket to unlock all 10 2023 Local-Motive sessions at an exclusive rate!