We all want to see an end to parking minimums; they place a huge burden on business owners and homeowners, stifle development, and fill our cities with unproductive space. The good news is that the parking revolution is finally happening. City after city is removing parking minimums and allowing new businesses and developments to flourish, without weighing down neighborhoods with wasteful parking lots. Paloma Delgadillo is a City Council Member in Broomfield, CO who has been on the front lines of fighting against parking minimums in her town. In this session, she'll be joined by Strong Towns Chief of Staff Carlee Alm-LaBar, to talk about what local leaders can do to end the chokehold parking has on their cities, and what residents can do to support that process.

This session was presented live on September 12, 2024 and the recording is now available to watch.

The course is worth 1 continuing education credit through the AICP.

Paloma Delgadillo

Carlee Alm-LaBar

Hop Aboard this 2024 Local-Motive Session

This session is part of our 2024 Local-Motive Tour, which features 10 action-oriented, short-form classes on subjects ranging from strengthening local businesses to creating better public engagement processes.

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